Techstructive Blog
Advent of Code Day 5 in Golang: Ordering Pages
Advent of Code Day 5 in Golang: Ordering PagesSolving day 5 of Advent of Code 2024 in Golang. Diving into one of the possible approaches to the puzzle.
Advent of Code Day 4 in Golang: Finding XMAS and X-MAS
Advent of Code Day 4 in Golang: Finding XMAS and X-MASSolving day 4 of Advent of Code 2024 in Golang. Diving into one of the possible approaches to the puzzle.
Advent of Code Day 3 in Golang: Do Or Don’t Regex
Advent of Code Day 3 in Golang: Do Or Don’t RegexSolving day 3 of Advent of Code 2024 in Golang. Diving into one of the possible approaches to the puzzle.

Advent of Code Day 2 in Golang: Slicing and Dicing Reports
Advent of Code Day 2 in Golang: Slicing and Dicing ReportsSolving day 2 of Advent of Code 2024 in Golang. Diving into one of the possible approaches to the puzzle.
Advent of Code, 2024, Day 1 in Golang: Historian Hysteria
Advent of Code, 2024, Day 1 in Golang: Historian HysteriaSolving day 1 of Advent of Code 2024 in Golang. Diving into one of the possible approaches to the puzzle.

Use Embedded Replicas of LibSQL Database hosted on Turso with a Golang Application
Use Embedded Replicas of LibSQL Database hosted on Turso with a Golang ApplicationUnderstanding and exploring how to create, connect, and query local embedded replicas of LibSQL database hosted on Turso with a …

Connect LibSQL Database hosted on Turso in a Golang Application
Connect LibSQL Database hosted on Turso in a Golang ApplicationExploring how to connect and query a LibSQL database hosted on Turso/Cloud in a Golang Application using libsql-client.

Safely using Maps in Golang: Differences in declaration and initialization
Safely using Maps in Golang: Differences in declaration and initializationWalkthrough the differences and pitfalls in declaring and initializing maps in Golang

NGINX Survival Guide: Serving Web Applications
NGINX Survival Guide: Serving Web ApplicationsNGINX Fundamentals: Setting Up Simple HTTP Servers, Serving Custom Content, multiple upstream servers

Golang Web: PUT Method
Golang Web: PUT MethodExploring the fundamentals of a PUT method in golang. How to request a resource, parse body, headers, etc. in a HTTP PUT …

Golang Web: POST Method
Golang Web: POST MethodExploring the fundamentals of a POST method in golang. How to send a basic POST request, parse json, structs, files, form-data …

NGINX Basics and Setup
NGINX Basics and SetupExploring NGINX Fundamentals: A Guide for Backend Developers, from the Importance of Learning NGINX to Installation and Server …

Neovim + Sourcegraph Cody Plugin Integration
Neovim + Sourcegraph Cody Plugin IntegrationInstalling and Setting up Sourcegraph Plugin and Cody into Neovim. Enabling code generations, chat and sourcegraph search …

2023: Year Review
2023: Year ReviewA developer retrospective of the year 2023. A reflection of the goals which I worked towards in tech as a developer.

Connecting LibSQL database with Python
Connecting LibSQL database with Python
Golang Web: GET Method
Golang Web: GET MethodExploring the fundamentals of a GET method in golang. How to request a resource, parse body, headers, etc. in a HTTP GET …

Golang Web: URL Parsing
Golang Web: URL ParsingUnderstanding the fundamentals of web development with URL parsing in Golang. Intro to the net package in golang.

Golang: Channels
Golang: ChannelsUnderstanding the core of concurrency in Go with channels and go routines. Exploring various patterns used in concurrent …

Golang: Go Routines and WaitGroups
Golang: Go Routines and WaitGroupsExploring Goroutines and WaitGroups in Go, understanding the fundamentals of Go's concurrency model.

Golang: Generics
Golang: GenericsUnderstanding the power of generics in Golang, enabling concise and flexible code. Learn how to apply generics to functions, …