Techstructive Weekly #12
Week #12
This week, was a bit of a realization that I need to improve as a junior developer, I need to do something important and exciting. These past few months have been tiring mentally, but need to up the effort and get some serious business rolling in.
I will be looking to write more articles based on the videos I create in the upcoming months.
This week, I worked a bit harder than usual, to do my two modes of being. One as a developer, and the other as a writer, I have been writing non-fictional, spiritual, and mythological writing on the side for almost 2 weeks now. I feel really positive, I am able to get things done quickly and appreciate life more gratefully.
Stats for the week
5 bugs fixed
1 Report of experimentations created
4 detailed debugging sessions
Quote of the week
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing."
— Walt Disney
This sums up really well how I have been feeling lately, I need to get things done. I did the exact thing for this newsletter to go live, just write the things I am doing, and it has helped me to realize where I am spending my time, where I am learning and doing more.
I want to inculcate this as a daily routine, to log out stuff that I find exciting, this like won’t be every day, but having that excitement to write things every time I find something interesting is really satisfying.
Lessons from the Smartest developers I’ve worked with:
I completely agree with this point. I feel on the writer’s side, I sometimes come up with weird ideas that don’t align with the business improvement and write shabby saphegetti code on the first try.From Tech Docs To Blog Posts: I have been writing technical/non-technical articles in tech from almost the beginning of my career. It was another way of re-learning and making my knowledge even firm.

✍️ From Tech Docs to Blog Posts: How Writing Can Transform Your Career
You probably don’t care about tech influencers telling you about their writing journey…
What is A basic video, but really important for getting things right when working with organized python code.
Making games, not just games, just anything as long as it is exciting and fun to learn. I had a lot of projects, not any project was big but small individual projects that I made to solve some or the other problems that I faced.
Adding a theme to the Hugo site(SSG): It involves a git submodule which if we try to tweak the theme, won’t be committed in the git repo that our own website is being used for. To make changes in the theme, we need to make the fork of the theme and then use it as a separate theme and not as a git submodule.
Postgres has numeric and float types: Numeric for precise and large values, float for loose values but are faster.
Postgres has multi-schema in a single database, as opposed to a single schema type in MySQL. SQLite → single file, MySQL → single server, multiple databases, PostgreSQL → single server, multiple databases → multiple schemas. All have multiple tables within a single database but PostgreSQL can have multiple schemas that we can use to create multiple tables per schema.
- Mastering Postgres Course by Aaron Francis: I have been lately watching the course videos of PostgreSQL by Aaron Francis. The quality of content is top-notch, and everything taught is driven by proof, this is really sticking and excellent. HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT!
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That’s it from this week, hope you did well this week, and have a happy week and weekend ahead!
Thank you for reading, let’s catch up in the next week.
Happy Coding :)
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