Techstructive Blog
Total Posts: 109
Advent of Code Day 5 in Golang: Ordering Pages
Setting up Vim for BASH Scripting
Vim: Keymapping Guide
What is BASH?
BASH Scripting Guide - PART - 1
Vim: Enhancing Movement Speed
Vim: Terminal Integration
BASH Scripting Guide - PART - 2
Learning BASH by making a Number game
BASH Scripting Guide - PART - 3
Cryptocurrency Price Scrapping using BASH and Coingecko API
Vim: Enhancing Editing Speed
Vim: Registers
Scrapping the meaning of a word from using BASH script.
Vim: Tabs
Vim: Window Splits
Vim: Buffers
Django Quick Setup Script
Dev Quotes: A platform for developers to quote and get inspired - Auth0 x Hashnode Hackathon
Vim: NERDTree
Why use Vim ?
Filter and Find an Issue on GitHub
Vim for Competitive Programming
My Journey as a Technical Writer
Object-Oriented Programming in C++: Classes and Objects
Object-Oriented Programming in C++: Access Modifiers
What's in Techstructive Blog
Object-Oriented Programming in C++: Constructors
Django + Auth0 Quick Setup
What is Machine Learning?
Comment/Uncomment Code: Vim for Programmers
Flask and Django - the backend web frameworks
Hacktoberfest 2021
Crossposting with a single script:
Basics of curl command
Django Basics: What is it?
Django Basics: Setup and Installation
Django Basics: Folder Structure
Django Basics: Views and URLS
Django Basics: Templates
Django Basics: Static Files
Django Basics: Creating Models
Django Basics: Database Configurations
Django Basics: Admin Section
Django Basics: CRUD API
Podevcast: A single source for developer podcasts
Pipenv: Python's Official Package Management tool
Pipx: A python package consumption tool for CLI packages
Feedparser: Python package for reading RSS feeds
Golang: What and Why?
Golang: Installation and Hello-World
Golang: Variables and Types
Golang: Conditionals and Loops
Golang: Input
Golang: Arrays
Golang: Slices
Golang: Maps
Golang: Functions
Golang: Structs
Golang: Pointers
Golang: Packages
Golang: Math Package
Golang: Operators
Django + PostgreSQL Deployment on Heroku
Django Project with PostgreSQL Deployment on Railway App
Golang: Mutable and Immutable Data Types
Golang: String Manipulation
Golang: Defer
Configure Neovim in Lua
Deploying Django Project with Railway Nixpacks
Golang: Anonymous Functions
Django + HTMX CRUD application
PGCLI: Postgres from the terminal
Golang: Closures
Golang: Interfaces
Golang: Error Handling
Golang: Paths
Golang: File Reading
Golang: JSON YAML TOML (config) File Reading.
Golang: File Write
2022: Year Review
Golang: Command Line Arguments
Creating a Chat Application with Django and HTMX
Golang: Regex
Golang: Random Numbers
Golang: Date and Time
Golang: Generics
Golang: Go Routines and WaitGroups
Golang: Channels
Golang Web: URL Parsing
Golang Web: GET Method
2023: Year Review
Neovim + Sourcegraph Cody Plugin Integration
NGINX Basics and Setup
Golang Web: POST Method
Golang Web: PUT Method
NGINX Survival Guide: Serving Web Applications
Safely using Maps in Golang: Differences in declaration and initialization
Connect LibSQL Database hosted on Turso in a Golang Application
Use Embedded Replicas of LibSQL Database hosted on Turso with a Golang Application
Advent of Code, 2024, Day 1 in Golang: Historian Hysteria
Advent of Code Day 2 in Golang: Slicing and Dicing Reports
Advent of Code Day 3 in Golang: Do Or Donβt Regex
Advent of Code Day 4 in Golang: Finding XMAS and X-MAS
Advent of Code Day 5 in Golang: Ordering Pages
2024: Year Review
Golang weak package
Golang Web: PATCH Method
Golang Web: DELETE Method